Borland Delphi is my programming environment of choice.
This union of a powerful programming language (Object Pascal) with a
good GUI designer and a development environment with integrated
source level debuger and other tools is in my opinion simply the best
such tool on the market.
dzPrepBuild is my answer to the problem that Delphi does not manage version information
in an SCM friendly manner and Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero apparently don't intend to
help with the issue.
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There has recently been quite a lot of hubbub in the Delphi blogosphere about a blog posting by a guy called Branden Tanga, who was venting his frustration with Rad Studio 2007. Here is my analysis on his problem.
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I have posted about SubVersion several times in the Borland newsgroups, the most recent post was quite extensive, so I thought I should extend it into an article and publish it in a more permanent form.
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For a while I have been offering experimental versions of GExperts. These versions are always based on the current CVS repository code of the GExperts project. In addition to the normal functionality they include the code formatter formerly known as DelForEx.
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I have taken over the rxlib project on sourceforge.
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I am thrilled! Several people apparently actually use templates based on the
principle outlined in my article about
Pseudo Templates in Delphi.
If you are one of them, I'd like to hear from you. Maybe it would be a good
idea to collect those templates somewhere and provide them for download.
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After using pseudo templates for a while I have now created
a library of them and released them under the MPL.
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Programs written with Borland Kylix need a shared library,
which usually isn't installed on the target system. A simple
solution for this is makeself.
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While searching for a chart component for Delphi which comes with
source code and doesn't cost an arm and a leg I stumbled over
Paul Warren's "HomeGrown charts". Since those components
were missing some features I needed I extended them significantly.
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The Delhi IDE is normally quite stable but sometimes I get this
effect that selecting some text causes it to throw an access
violation which keeps popping up so that I must kill the IDE using
the task manager. This happens rarely but often enough that the loss of
yet unsaved work prompted me to search for a workaround.
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You might have read about them in the online help usually with reference
to COM or ActiveX and such, but interfaces are quite interesting even
without this stuff.
This page is only available
in German
If you ever looked at the source code of the automatically generated
*.bpg files you might have wondered what they are good for.
This page is only available
in German
Object Pascal (Delphi) supposedly is less powerfull than C++ because it
lacks several features, at least that's what C++ evangelists claim. One of
these features are templates. I claim that this is not the case.
(You can
download my proof.)
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The rxlib was one of the most famous component packages back when Delphi 3
was current, not only because it was free but also because of its quality.
I have ported it to Delphi 7.
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