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I have never been a fan of Microsoft and Windows. Instead I have used OS/2 for years and when IBM let it die, I switched to Linux. I am not a Linux expert but it works fine for me.

And just in case anybody is interested, I have also created a list of Linux software I use regularly (German only).

Ubuntu Linux 5.10 on a Plus Eurobook

I have recently (2006-03-18) started using the Linux distribution Ubuntu 5.10 on my Eurobook which I bougth from the supermarket chain Plus. I can definitely recommend it. (Article in German only)
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Linux on the Thinkpad 701

I was once the proud owner of an IBM Thinkpad 701CS on which I ran OS/2 and later Linux. I have sold it quite a while ago, but I want to preserve this article on running Linux on it for others that might find it usefull.
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last updated: 2012-10-14 twm
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