The rxlib was one of the most famous component packages back when Delphi 3
was current, not only because it was free but also because of its quality.
Unfortunately the original authors lost interest in it and over the years there wasn't much development going on. Several people adapted the library to newer Delphi version (e.g. my own port to Delphi 7) and added bugfixes to it. So there are still various downloads available from the internet and it is rather difficult to find out which version contains which fixes etc.
There was also this sourceforge project, founded apparently in 2001 by
Scott Blood. But unfortunately he too seems to have lost interest and did not respond when I tried to contact him at the address given on the sourceforge page.
So I - Thomas Müller - decided to take over that project to provide a central place for anybody who still uses that library. For now, I have put it into maintenance mode, which means that I will try to adapt it to new versions of Delphi as they are released but will not do any further development. If you find any bugs and fix them, please send me a patch or - even better - register as a developer with the project and just submit them to the subversion repository on sourceforge.
Please see the
sourceforge download page or the subversion repository for the latest version of rxlib. Currently it should be compatible with Delphi 5, 6 and 7, BDS 2005 and 2006 and Delphi 2007.
Please note that it might be a good idea to switch to the Jedi Visual Component Libraray (JVCL) since they have integrated all rxlib components and also provide a conversion tool (located in the devtools\JVCLConvert folder of the jvcl download archive). I have not tested this tool but I am quite impressed with their code quality and the number of components they provide. See also the homepage of
project JEDI.
Other links:
There are also quite a few sites in Chinese (I think) which mention rxlib and seem to provide downloads. Unfortunately I have no idea what they are about since I don't know any Chinese (or is it Cantonese?) and couldn't find any translation service that worked.