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From someone who traveled abroad to learn appreciating his own country ...
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Sorry the page you requested is not available. There are several possible reasons for this:

  1. Some pages are only available in German. To get to these pages change the language to German by clicking on the German flag in the upper right corner and select the page again.
  2. It could also simply be a bug in my HTML sources. I will probably find and fix this the next time I update my pages, so please come back later and check the news page.
  3. And it could of course be possible that this page simply doesn't exist. Maybe you followed an outdated link or an old entry in a search engine. I am trying to keep the structure of my pages the same but it may be possible that a page has been moved to a subdirectory or got a new name. In this case it will still be available through the menu.

last updated: 2012-10-14 twm
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